Afro Hair Transplant

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What is an Afro Hair Transplant?

An Afro hair transplant is transferring follicular units from a healthy donor area at the back of the head to the area suffering The procedure of afro hair transplantation does not differ from the other techniques also Afro-American Hair Transplant. Afro hair transplants in Turkey are often the most complex of all hair transplant procedures. Due to the natural curl of the hair follicle. It is very difficult to remove hair follicles in both FUT and especially FUE technique in people with curly hair First of all Afro Hair transplants are becoming very popular. A simple process of transplanting hair from a donor site to where it is required.

Afro Hair Transplant

Afro Hair Transplant is a type of Hair Transplant which allows patients from different ethnicities to take the advantage of Hair Transplant Treatment. Each person around the world has a different type of hair structure and therefore different needs if they experience hair loss. When these differences are acknowledged and identified by the hair specialist, the hair transplant treatment for the patients from different ethnicities leads to very successful results.

The procedure of Afro Hair Transplant does not differ from the other techniques, hair follicles are extracted from the donor site with the help of a punch, and they are implanted into the targeted area where the hair loss is evident.


People with Afro hair usually tend to suffer from type of hair loss called “Traction Alopecia”. Braiding hair and chemical products designed for Afro hair can lead to hair loss for the people with Afro hair. Afro hair has a tendency to get harmed easily because of the follicles’ structure.

The most important aspect of Afro Hair Transplant is the consultation and planning processes of the treatment. Afro hair has a unique structure of thicker follicle and intense curly shape; it needs different approach in terms of haircare including combing or hair products. The curliness of the follicles is in the outer appearance and inner tissues as well. Therefore, the harvested grafts will be curly as well; afro hair takes up more space in the scalp due to its unique structure. The plantation process of Afro hair is different than straight hair in terms of density.

The procedure of Afro Hair Transplant does not differ from the other techniques, hair follicles are extracted from the donor site with the help of a punch, and they are implanted into the targeted area where the hair loss is evident.

An Afro hair transplant in Istanbul, Turkey has been made while taking different personalities, characteristic into consideration from the people of different ethnics and origins.

There are several people in this world having the same type of hair, hence it is very normal for people to have different types of hair issues. To find out a way to solve their troubles, at BlueMagic Group we have introduced this new technique.

Afro Hair Transplant is performed under local anesthesia; you will not feel any pain during the procedure.
There will be no stitches or scar after your Afro Hair Transplant.
Each graft will be planted coherently with patient’s own hair direction.; the result will be very natural, coherent with patient’s own hair and with highest level of density.
Afro Hair Transplant can be performed with all the Hair Transplant techniques.
All the techniques used in Hair Transplant can be applied to patients with Afro hair who experience hair loss. The basic rules of Hair Transplantation do not change for Afro Hair Transplantation. The most important thing is to perform the operation with a delicate, well-planned and strategical approach. Natural and effective results are achieved when Afro Hair Transplant is done by a professional hand.

Our medical consultants are looking forward to help you about Afro Hair Transplant treatment and get you a consultation and personalized treatment plan from our specialists.